Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: " Whoever among you wakes up in the morning, and is safe in his dwelling, in good health, and has enough provision for the day, it is as if he has all the good things of this world. "
1. Recite the following dua once after Salat:
Laa Ilaha Illallahu Wahdahu Laa Sharika lahu Lahul Mulku Wa Lahul Hamdu Yuhyee Wa Yumeetu Wa Huwa Hayyu laa Yamootu Bi yadi hil Khair Wa huwa 'Ala Kulli Shay'in Qadeer There is no true deity except Allah, He is alone, with no partner or associate, His is the dominion and to Him is all praise. He provides life and gives death, and He is ever-living and doesn't die. In His hand is all good and He has total authority over all things.
Allah says in the Qur'an: " and Allah is the best of providers ."
[Surah Al-Jum'ah, 62-11]
ALSO READ syed ul astaghfar
2. Whoever recites the following dua once after the Salat, 2,000,000 good deeds will be written in his name.
3. Whoever recites the following dua10 times after the Salat, forty thousand good deeds will be written in his name.
Laa Ilaha Illallahu Wahidan Ahadan Samadan Lam Yattakhiz Sahibatan Wa La Waladan Wa Lam Yakul Lahu Kufawan Ahad