Masnoon Duas is a collection of some Important Duas which were recited by Prophet Muhammad (saw) for all daily life activities to earn rewards from Allah.
Dua while sending off a person:
I place in Allah's care your Islam your Trustworthiness and the end of your deeds.
Dua for seeking knowledge:
O Allah! I ask You for knowledge that I will not forget.
Dua on sighting the new moon:
O Allah! Make this moonrise on us with peace, faith(Imaan), protection, and Islam. O Moon, my Lord & your Lord is Allah.
Dua for an increase in knowledge:
O my Lord! Increase my knowledge.
Dua while riding an animal/vehicle:
Above all defect, pure and perfect is Allah Who has given us control over this (animal/vehicle) and we could never have controlled it ourselves.
Dua when putting on new clothes:
Praise be to Allah Who gave these clothes to wear, with which I cover my
body (satr) and adorn me in life.
Before Entering the Toilet:
O Allah! I seek Your protection from evil (shaytan) male and female.
On returning from the Toilet:
Praise be to Allah Who removed from me a painful thing and gave me relief.
Before performing Wudu:
O Allah! Forgive my sins, and increase (Your blessings) in my home and give
Barakah in my necessities /Rizq.
After Wudu:
O Allah! Make me among those who, repent (excessively) and among those
who are the purest.
Before entering the Mosque:
O Allah! Open for me the doors of Mercy.
When exiting the Mosque:
O Allah! I ask for your blessings.
Before Meals:
In the name of Allah (I eat) and pray for Barakah in it.
After Meals:
All praise be to Allah, who fed us and made us Muslims.
On waking up from Sleep:
Praise be to Allah who gave us life after death (sleep) and all will return to Him.
Before going to Sleep:
O Allah! I recite Your name before sleep and on waking up.
When entering home:
O Allah! I seek goodness while entering the house and goodness on
leaving it.
We enter with the name of Allah and in Allah our Lord we trust.
When leaving home:
I begin with the name of Allah, placing trust in Him, there is no
power nor any force except Allah.
Before drinking Milk:
O Allah! give Barakah in this (milk) and provide us more.
Meal at someone's place:
O Allah! Feed him who has fed us, and give him to drink (the one who has) given us (to drink).