benefits of surah anaam


Surah Anaam, known as "The Cattle" is the sixth Surah in the Qur'an, consists of 20 rukus and 165 ayahs and it was revealed in its entirety to Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Surah Anaam, while emphasizing monotheism, also condemns idolatry and paganism.

Surah Anaam tells the story of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) who asked people to stop worshiping idols and turn to Allah. 

According to Jabir ibn Abd Allah al-Ansari (r.a), Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that, Whoever recites the first three ayahs of Surah Anaam

Benefits of Surah Anaam

Alhamdu lillahil-laji khalaqas samawati wal arz
waja'alaz-zulumati wannoor summal lazeena kafaroo birabbihim ya'diloon

Huwal lazee khalaqakum min teenin summa qaza ajalan waajalun musamman 'indahu summa antum tamtaroon 

Wahuwallahu fis samawati wafil arzi ya'lamu sirrakum wajahrakum waya'lamu ma taksiboon

All praise is for Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and made darkness and light. Yet the disbelievers set up equals to their Lord in worship

He is the One Who created you from clay, then appointed a term for your death and another known only to Him for your resurrection -yet you continue to doubt!

He is the Only True God in the heavens and the earth. He knows whatever you conceal and whatever you reveal, and knows whatever you do. 

will have the following  benefits-

1. 40,000 angels will  be appointed to do ibadat on his behalf till the Day of Judgement and all the reward  (Sawab) will go to him.

2. An Angel with an iron spear will appear and  stand guard between Heavens and Earth to protect him from Shaytan.

3. On the Day of Judgement, Allah will ask him to enjoy all the good things of Jannat (eating the fruits of Jannat, drinking the water of Hauz-e-Kausar, and bathing in the river Salsabeel).

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