Dua for Protection from Harm
Hazrat Usman (r.a) reported that Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "Whoever recites this dua for protection from harm three times in the morning, no calamity befalls him until the night, and whoever recites it three times in the evening, no calamity befalls him until the next morning."
Recite the following dua 3- times after Fajr and Maghrib prayers:
Bismillahil-lazi la yazurru ma'as-mihi shai'un fil-arzi wa la fis-samaa'i, wa Huwas-Sami-'ul-'Aleem
In the Name of Allah with Whose Name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heavens, and He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing, nothing will harm him.
[Abu Dawud / Tirmidhi]