Wazifa for Safety from Accidents



Hazrat Talaq says that a man called sahabi Hazrat Abu Al Darda(r.a) and told him that his (Abu Al Darda's) house was destroyed by fire.

         Abu Al Darda (r.a) replied that it was safe from fire. Then two more men came with the same report and they also got the same answer i.e the house is safe. 

ALSO READ darood for wazifa 

        Then another man came and said: "O Abu Al Darda(r.a)! The flames rose high, but as soon as the fire reached your house, it cooled down."

        And for that, Abu Al Darda said, I knew that Allah would not allow my house to be destroyed by fire because I heard Prophet Muhammad (saw) saying that "Whoever recites this Wazifa in the morning, no calamity befalls him (his wife, children and whatever he owns) till evening and if he recites this Wazifa in the evening, no calamity befalls him till morning."
      As I recited this Wazifa in the morning, I was sure that my house will not burn down. After saying this, he went towards his house with the people. It was seen that his entire street was on fire and all the houses around Abu Al Darda’s were burnt, but, amidst this, his house was safe and sound.

The following Wazifa should be recited after Fajr (for protection from dawn to dusk) or after Maghrib (for protection from dusk to dawn):



Allahumma anta rabbi laa ilaha illa anta alaika tawakkaltu wa anta rabbul arshil kareem Masha 'Allahu kana wamalam yashalam yakun wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahil 'aliyyil 'azeem a'lamu annallaha 'ala kulli shay'in qadeer wa annallaha qad ahata bikulli shay'in ilma
Allahumma inni a'uzu bika min sharri nafsi wa min sharri kulli daabbati anta akhijum bina siyatiha inna rabbi 'ala siratim mustaqeem


O Allah! You are my Lord. There is nothing worthy of worship except You. I place all of my trust and reliance in You and You are the Lord of the Noble Throne. 
Whatever Allah wishes takes place, and whatever He does not desire, does not occur, and there is no power and no strengh except with Allah, The Exalted, The Mighty. 
I know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah has knowledge of all things.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of my nafs (self) and from the evil of every crawling creature. You are master over them. Verily, You are Lord of the straight path.

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