Dua when an enemy threatens

When enemy threatens


When Prophet Muhammad (saw) was afraid of an enemy, he used to recite the dua when an enemy threatens

Recite the following dua 3-times, blow it on the hands and rub all over the body from head to toe:

dua when enemy threatens

Allahumma inna Naj 'aluka fi Nuhurihim, wa Na'uzu-bika min Shururihim

O Allah! We keep You (in front of us) against our enemy; and we seek protection against their evil.                          
                                  [Ahmad/Abi Dawud]                                             

It is better to listen to a wise enemy than to seek counsel from a foolish friend. [Hazrat Ali]


The benefits of including this dua in your daily recitation are immense.

This dua not only keeps you and your loved ones safe from enemies physically and spiritually, but it also brings inner peace, reminding you that Allah takes care of everything and nothing happens without His will, and only He should be trusted.           



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