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Dua when drinking ZamZam
DUA WHEN DRINKING ZAMZAM When this dua is recited, you are asking Allah for an increase in knowledge that benefits you and others as well,...
4 Mar, 2023
Dua for Noor
DUA FOR NOOR The Dua for Noor increases Noor within us, which leads to the purification of nafs , soul, body and mind. Recite this dua ...
23 Feb, 2023
Benefits of Friday
BENEFITS OF FRIDAY Friday is a special day for every Muslim. In Islam, this day is considered more important than any other day of th...
Samina Parveen
17 Feb, 2023
Syed ul Astaghfar
SYED UL ASTAGHFAR When Prophet Adam(A.S) was sent to earth, he sought forgiveness from Allah through Astaghfar . Astaghfar is the key to...
9 Feb, 2023
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Islamic Thoughts
It was also Ibadah to see Prophet Muhammad (saw).
- Acceptance of worship
- Anxiety
- Astaghfar
- Azkaar
- Barakah & Mercy
- cure for illness
- Darood
- Distress
- Dua before death
- dua for kids
- Good deeds
- Great Rewards
- Happiness
- Heart Purification
- idolatry
- Increase in knowledge
- Increase in Noor
- Jamia dua
- Mercy
- Mercy & Guidance
- Patience (sabr)
- polytheism
- Protection
- purify nafs (soul)
- Qabool tauba
- Ramazan
- recite daily
- Repentance
- Reward
- Reward & Benefits
- Shirk
- specific duas for special occasions
- tasbeeh
- Wazaif