Dua for Happiness

dua for happiness


If anyone is sad and hurt due to worldly problems, he should recite dua for happiness and Allah will convert his worries & sadness into happiness.

Recite the following dua for happiness after every salaat:

dua for happiness

Allahumma Inni `Abduka Wabnu `Abdika Wabnu Amatika Nasiyati bi-yadika mazin Fiyya Hukmuka `Adlun Fiyya Qaza’uka As’aluka Bi-kulli Ismin Huwa laka Sammayta Bihi Nafsaka  Aw Anzaltahu Fi Kitabika aw `Allamtahu Ahadan Min Khalqika Awista’Sarta Bihi Fi `ilmi al-Ghaybi `Indaka An Taj`alal-Qur’anal `Azeem Rabi`a Qalbi Wa-nura Basri Wa-jala’a Huzni Wa-jahaba hammi

Do not feel lonely on the road of righteousness because of the fewness of the walkers on it. – Hazrat Ali

O Allah! I am Your slave, son of Your male servant, and son of Your female servant. My forelock is in Your Hand. Your command for me prevails. Your judgement concerning me is just. I beseech You through every name You have, by which You have called Yourself, or which You have sent down in Your Book, or which You have taught to any one of Your creations, or which You have preferred to keep to Yourself among Your guarded secrets, to make the Great Qur’an the springtime of my heart, the light of my eyes, the remedy of my grief, and the dispeller of my anxiety.

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